Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pretty Pretty Princess

For those of you who know me, you know that I like to dress up. I like to wear skirts and heels. I like to wear long necklaces and dangly earrings. I like to feel pretty, I guess. Well, at my new school, I don’t get to do any of that and it’s killing me!!! Everyday I have to wear a school polo shirt. I was told to wear jeans most days, but I just hate to wear jeans to work! I’ve tried black pants, Bermuda shorts, and different skirts, but I just feel sloppy no matter what. Most teachers at least get multiple color shirts, but they only had white shirts in my size, so I was given 5 white polos. And, the shirts are too short to stay tucked in but not fitted enough to look good left out. Arrggghhhh!!!!! And long necklaces just don’t go with polos!!! I was also informed 2 days ago that women are not supposed to wear any shoes that show their toes. Oh my! I don’t even own anything but sandals and flipflops (other than my running shoes, of course)!! But, no one actually enforces the shoe issue, so I’ll keep wearing my flipflops, I suppose. Wilson and I have a family wedding to attend this weekend, and he couldn’t understand why I was so excited to go to a wedding where I won’t know hardly anyone. I told him it’s because I get to DRESS UP!!!! I’m so excited to put on a dress, a pair of heels, and lots of jewelry!! :o) I can’t wait!

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